Thursday, July 16, 2020

Chicken Noodle Soup for an Ailing Book

The writing in this book came with a crude sketch, but it wasn't just any author/artist who did it and it turned out to be something quite extraordinary, if not rare. 

The book is The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (From A to B and Back Again). Not only did Warhol sign the book, he also provided a sketch referencing his iconic 1960s pop art rendering of Campbell’s Soup cans. As an added bonus, he also initialed the page vertically from the lower corner. 

This combination signature/sketch for this book is not rare, though a bit scarce with only a handful of copies found online for sale in varying conditions and prices (this copy has upper-corner damage). 

This copy, despite the damage, separates from the pack a bit because of the flavor of soup Warhol included in his sketch—Chicken Noodle Soup. The few sketches found online with a flavor at all (some cans are only identified as Campbell’s Soup) are labeled Tomato Soup, which, by the way, was Campbell’s first flavor in 1897. 

Could the book have been presented to Mr. Warhol for a signature in its damaged state and he thought to swap out the usual tomato soup for chicken noodle because of its healing and restorative qualities? If only it could have worked!